Sunday, 21 August 2011

Massive Passive Income: Does Autoblogging Really Work?

 Autoblogging is quite a hot topic these days in t Internet Marketing social circles. In case you have not heard all of the recent buzz and are scratching your head about what autoblogging is, it's a method for creating blogs in a ?set it and forget it' kind of way that have plugins in place to automatically post content daily. This essentially takes much of the labor out of creating unique content and posting daily or even every few days. But, the question of the moment is, does autoblogging work? Can you really generate a ton of passive income just from setting up these little niche blogs and then leaving them to fend for themselves? Here are some things that you might hear about autoblogging:

Autoblogging is nothing but a scam Most likely written either by folks who have tried it and failed, or who simply dismiss the concept out-of-hand because they firmly believe that the only way to blog is by creating unique content daily.

Autoblogging is your gateway to untold Internet Marketing riches At the other end of the spectrum you might hear claims that autoblogging is your ticket to riches and fame. Those messages are most often promulgated by those who are selling an autoblogging product.
The truth about autoblogging lies somewhere in between the idea that autoblogging is a black hat scam, and the idea that you can auto-blog your way to untold wealth. 

With autoblogging you use automated plugins that grab content based on your keywords from RSS feeds, article directories, your own stash of PLR content, and videos. You aggregate all of this content and present it under your chosen category along with adverts that would appeal to the particular audience that you are targeting with your content.

You also need the tools and technology to make setting up and maintaining multiple blogs simple and straightforward. Wordpress is the perfect platform for your auto-blogs because it allows you to host multiple, individual blogs with their own domain names on a single installation of the Wordpress software on your server.

Autoblogging has many moving parts, so it's good to have a proven system to follow to help ensure your chances for success. Trying to patch together a solution and work through trial and error on your own can cost you valuable time and money.

If you follow a proven system and if you are willing to invest some time, thought and strategy on the front end, you can set up an empire of auto-blogs that will generate a healthy stream of passive income for you. If you are serious about getting started building your own autoblogging empire, you must check out Massive Passive Profits, which is a mass deploy autoblogging format that completely automates the creation of Wordpress multi-user blog and feeds them with tons of content.
Author:  Thomas Varughese  courtesy of

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