Friday, 14 October 2011

 Interesting that this guy recognizes that you can make money online but doesn't want to! If you want to, give me your details at the top left and take a look at the free videos to see if it might be for you.


"Mom told me that her friend said that you can make money online. Well, of course you can. People are doing it all the time. I guess I just feel like I do not have the time for this. I just want to make sure that my mother understand that I have a full time job, and I do not want to bother with setting things up. I know that people who can bother with it will earn a lot of money because they are willing to make the effort. However, this is not something that I am interested in doing for myself at all. It is not like it isn’t a good idea. It really is a good way to earn income. However, I just do not feel like it is for me. Perhaps if she wants to get started on her own, she can. This is just not something that I see myself doing for awhile"

Friday, 7 October 2011

Building Multiple Streams of Income

With acknowledgements to the "Saving Money Today" blog

Ever since my wife quit her job to stay home and raise our kids I’ve been on a quest to create as many streams of income as possible.  I currently have this blog and a small portfolio of web sites that earn me a nice little side income.

In addition to the obvious benefit of extra income, my online efforts offer us some protection by diversifying our income sources.  While my online income can’t replace the salary I receive at my full-time job (not yet anyway!) it would buy us some extra time and breathing room if I were to lose my job.
If you haven’t already started building multiple streams of income for yourself, perhaps it’s time you started.    Take baby steps and add one small income stream at a time.   And keep reminding yourself that as you build those income streams they will slowly join together to form a raging river!

Ideas For Building Multiple Streams of Income

Working part-time at a second job is probably the first idea people have when brainstorming ways to make extra money.   You can also earn extra money by pet sitting, mowing lawns, delivering newspapers, or doing odd jobs around the neighborhood.
The downside to these methods is that your earning potential is limited to the number of hours you can work.  If you’re too tired, sick, or just plain busy to deliver papers or mow lawns…you don’t get paid.
I prefer to search for more passive income ideas.  Enter the internet.
I launched my first web site back in 2004.  It was nothing fancy, just a small static site consisting of about a dozen pages about wine.  Right now that site is  averaging about $2 a day in Google AdSense revenue.  That may not sound like much, but that’s for a site that I have barely touched in years and do almost nothing to promote.
I have other sites too in addition to this blog and they are online 24 hours a day, 365 days a week.  Even if I’m sleeping or away on vacation, they are running and making me money.  That’s about as close to passive income as you can get.
Have you ever considered launching your own website to make extra money?  Why not?
You’d probably be surprised how easy it is to get started, and it requires almost no start up costs.  You can get your own domain and web hosting package for about $100 a year.
Now don’t get me wrong.  Making money online does take hard work and patience.  Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something.
But, the beauty of the internet is that once you go through the initial effort of setting everything up, it can be relatively easy to maintain.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Passive Income Tips. Develop Passive Income

Thanks and acknowledgments to "Passive Income Pro" . 

"The More Your Know, the Faster It Will Grow!!" What will grow faster if you know more about it? Well, a number of things, but here we are only interested in one, the creation of passive streams of income.That's what these passive income tips are here for.

The reason why most people do not earn any automatic income, the reason they all work hard never get ahead, is because they do not know what passive income is, how it is made, and how they can get started. Before anyone can create multiple streams of passive income they must have a pretty keen understanding of how it is done. That is why I am hoping the passive income tips on this page will give you a boost in Passive Income I.Q. and help you get closer to your financial freedom goals.

Passive Income Tips...

Know Exactly How Much You Need Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is a state of living where you have enough money coming in to pay for your desired lifestyle, all without having to work. When you have enough passive income to cover your cost of living, you are completely financially free. How much passive income would it take to set you free? How much income would you ultimately enjoy having each month to spend? Goals give power to our actions, and knowing your goal for automatic income will give you the power to create the life you want.

Choose the Best Path
There are infinite possibilities when it comes to developing passive income, but they all fall into one of two categories, Business vs Investing Income. Which is best for you? Well, it depends on a number of things including your skills, experiences, abilities, your unique interests, as well as your starting capital. Investing can require a lot of upfront capital before substantial profits can be made, which makes the business route more accessible to a wider range of people.

Choose Your Vehicles Wisely
Once you decide to tackle one of the main areas of passive income, you need to choose individual income vehicles. Once again, you will want to assess yourself and choose the income opportunities that are best suited for your goals and capabilities, as well as your interests and passions. Take time to investigate possible opportunities before jumping in head first.

Invest Time in Mastery
Depending on the methods that you choose to develop passive income, you may or may not need to invest money. However, in either case you should plan on spending time to master the income streams that you have chosen. If you are going to build a free passive income business from scratch, you will obviously need to invest a lot of time building and growing your business income. And if you choose to invest for automatic income, you will want to take time to invest in your knowledge and application of proven investment principles.

Make Passive Income Building a Regular Habit
If you think that you can get started today and create financial freedom within a few weeks, you are not going to make it very far. It takes time, often several months or even years before real earnings will be seen on a regular basis. Take your financial goals seriously, and make a habit out of working toward them. Individuals who commit to spending time each day to develop passive income create lifetimes of unlimited wealth.

Diversify and Grow
Mastering a single income vehicle can give you everything you need for freedom, but as you may find out for yourself, building wealth can be a fun and exciting journey, and you may find yourself reevaluating your goals and setting them even higher. The great thing about automatic income is that it works in its own, so you can create multiple income streams without having to use up all of your time. Diversify into a number of money streams and grow a powerful, long term income.

Look Toward the Internet
Over the past few years I have used many avenues to develop passive income, but now I look almost solely to the internet for new and exciting ways to make money on autopilot. My favorite sources of income are my websites. A website can make money 24 hours a day, and with simple software like the Site Build It! website builder, you can effortlessly build a winning money generating website with no previous experience.

I hope you have enjoyed these passive income tips. You can successfully develop passive income, it just take patience, persistence, and attention. And while I will be the first one to forewarn you that a lot of work may be involved, especially if you do not already have a lot of money to invest and therefore need to invest your time and energy.

But I will also be the first to tell you just how exciting and rewarding it can be to begin creating multiple streams of income that earn you money around the clock. Begin now to plant seeds of automatic income and watch as your financial freedom begins to take flight.

NB: For five superb free videos as an intro to my "Pensions Boost" system for establishing your retirement income just enter your name and email address in the space at the top left of this blog.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring.
He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

Will Rogers