Friday, 15 July 2011

Organizing Your Online Business - 5 Tips To Help You Get Organized

If you are planning on becoming really successful with your home business you will need to think about how you are going to organize your online business.

There are many benefits to being an online business entrepreneur. You more than likely do not have to commute to work in streams of heavy traffic for a few hours. You can work when you like and how you like - or even in your pajamas if that is your preference! However, to be really successful with your online home business you will need to closely conform to one of the strategies that more conventional traditional businesses use - and that involves organizing your online business.
The reason you are building an online business is to make money - right? To make money you need to be operating profitably. To achieve profitability you need to be productive. The key to productivity is organization.

Here are some key tips to organize your online business

1. Organize Your Office/Work Area
Set up an area where you can work each day. Organize this work area so that you have all the items you require close at hand. You do not want to be going off searching for some item of stationery that you need. Try to save time in this way and it will add up over a period giving you more for productive tasks that make you money.

2. Plan Your Daily Schedule
You can easily waste time at the start of a new day by having to think about your strategy for achieving work products - so make a list the night before of what you intend to achieve. This means each day you can get going that much quicker.
As you complete each task on your list, tick it off. This will give you a feeling of achievement, and you can see just what progress you have made.

3. Take Regular Breaks From Your Desk
Most of us cannot concentrate for long intervals in one stretch - so it will help to take a break every hour or so. It will be beneficial to do something different for 10 minutes or so. As I am working at home, I use my ten minute breaks to do some of my household chores such as sorting the laundry, or dusting a room.
You will achieve more work product with a schedule of 4, one hour time blocks - than one solid four hour stretch of work.

4. Organize Your Business Finances To Be Separate From Your Personal Ones
It is a good idea to have separate credit/debit cards for your business and personal finances. It will make it easier to write up your accounts and save time as well. Pay off your credit cards each month, and manage your financial records with some system like Quickbooks or a spreadsheet based plan.

5. Set Up Filing Systems For All Of Your Online Business Information
In order to be efficient and productive you will need to be able to find the information you need quickly and easily. To locate that information you need to organize your online business with some tracking systems.

As online business owners we purchase products often. These might be in a variety of formats - audios, videos, pdf or whatever. Sometimes we make a purchase for a product based on a recommendation from a mentor or list we are subscribed to - then forget whether we actually downloaded the product or not. With so many download links we often cannot remember what the link was to access a product. All this type of information needs to be organized in a tracking system.

Again as online business owners you will be marketing maybe with articles, and need to be keeping a record of what articles you have written. These can be filed and tracked in a publications tracker of some sort or another. You need to keep a record of these articles so that they can be repurposed later on - i.e. in short reports or blog posts maybe.

In an online business there is a great deal of information that needs to be tracked and filed in a way that allows us to locate it in a second. This organization allows you to become efficient and therefore productive. Organize your online business for success and a peace of mind that will allow you to use that time more productively and to make you more money.

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