Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Not too many people have even heard of H.A.R.O., let alone know what it means. Do you? In my opinion this traffic getting , list building method for your Internet marketing isn’t for everyone but for some it could be an absolutely golden route to expedited list building.

The letters stand for “Help A Reporter Out” and the system dates back to a Facebook page some years ago where reporters advertised for contacts who could supply them with inside or professional information on  the subject  they were interested in. After registering to receive notifications of requirements in one or more of several categories, you would receive regular daily or twice daily emails advising of specific expertise, knowledge or experience that a particular journalist wanted to feature. The system became so popular that it has now been constituted into a website of its own and is considered a must by some online marketing aficionados.

On receiving email notice of a requirement in an area on which you had knowledge you would respond with a statement of your details and how you fit the requirement. If selected you could be featured in the media whether print, radio or other and by this means, gain an invaluable platform from which to publicise your online product or service.

If you feel that this method could be appropriate for you, check out the H.A.R.O. website, http://helpareporter.com  See the extract below.

No such thing as free PR?
From The New York Times, to ABC News, to HuffingtonPost.com and everyone in between, nearly 30,000 members of the media have quoted HARO sources in their stories. Everyone’s an expert at something. Sharing your expertise may land you that big media opportunity you’ve been looking for.

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