Tuesday, 28 June 2011


A hugely under-estimated but free and powerful technique for promoting your business or website and building your passive income, an e-mail signature is simply a message of some kind which is automatically inserted below your normal sign-off at the end of every email you send.

Consider how many emails you send every day. In all probability you under-estimate the number. In this day and age of electronic communication the ability to communicate by e-mail has become so common, so automatic that we hardly think about it any more but every single one we send is an opportunity to market our business.

This is one of the simplest means available to every single one of us. I will give the example of the ever popular Outlook mail client system in which you simply click on ‘Tools’ then ‘Options’, ‘Mail Format’ and finally ‘Signatures’. This opens up effectively a simple word editor into which you can insert a hyper-link to your site and, if you wish, an image or logo as well.

So many people will see your signature and inevitably some will click on it, even if only from curiosity and the signature will have done its job. Over time this simple method can generate many leads and is therefore a method of marketing which it would be wasteful to ignore. It is the epitome of a passive income generator.

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