Thursday, 9 June 2011


"It's simple but it's not easy". Many people who have decided to have a go at starting an internet marketing business have slowly and painfully discovered that although, as they have been told by so many glib 'gurus', 'mentors' or 'trainers' it may be conceptually 'easy' but it is actually quite difficult to make a start from nothing.

For some people, stetting up a web site may not be too daunting though for others it would be a venture into alien territory. Similarly, the arcane arts of CPC, SEO and numerous other examples of internet marketing 'alphabet soup' may be comprehensible to some but are almost certain to be no more so than ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics to most. For the record, these particular ones stand for 'Cost per Click', and 'Search Engine Optimization'.
Unfortunately, knowing what the letters stand for doesn't help very much, the expressions themselves require quite lengthy explanation. Once explained and understood in theory there is still a long way to go and many choices to be made before these processes, which happen to be fundamental to successful marketing online, can be implemented to start making money online.
OK; enough of the doom and gloom. How is it that so many, seemingly ordinary people do make a huge success of building an online business whilst so many others try and fail? One key is knowledge. Not only knowledge of the techniques, facilities and processes involved but also self-knowledge, recognizing ones own response to the failure of any particular project and, much more importantly, knowing that renewed and continuous effort and application will produce the desired result..
It is one characteristic of the internet marketing industry that it has, of course grown up very rapidly over the very few years that the internet itself has been in existence. Rapid growth always attracts people on the lookout for 'get rich quick' opportunities to cash in, sometimes without regard to the likely, unfortunate effects on others. One of the characteristics of the internet marketing industry is that it is more or less unregulated by governments because of its trans-boundary nature. So 'cowboys' abound. Once you 'put your head above the parapet' ie you and more particularly your email address, becomes known, you WILL receive more and more lengthy, highly convincing, 'Absolutely Guaranteed', 'can't fail, 'instant', 'Push-button', FREE but not quite so free as they sound offers.
There may be offers of these types which actually do what their protagonists claim but for every one of those there must be a dozen others which consist more of unrealistic hype than of genuinely helpful content.
The pessimistic tone of the above paragraphs is intended, not to convince you that you cannot succeed in the field of internet business but to try to alert you to the pitfalls which have been responsible for the failure of so many others to achieve the success that really is there to be had by those who are not sucked in by the hype but who are prepared to spend quite a lot of time initially plus, inevitably, some money to educate themselves in a rational, logical process to understand what is involved.
There are many genuinely educational courses available and much useful material is on offer free of charge but invariably and unsurprisingly, more content is needed and this has to be paid for. Even so, the cost can be amazingly low and the richness of content very high. The primary purpose of this piece is to warn would-be internet entrepreneurs to be wary about the blandishments of the multi-coloured, four page 'sales pages' which definitely will flood into your email inbox. Success is there to be achieved but treat your online business just as you would an off-line business, don't expect instant success and never give up. It is a sad fact that many do give up just when they are within reach of their goals.

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