Monday, 13 June 2011


We are bombarded with information from those who tell us they are making fortunes from their online marketing activities...

We can get sick of seeing yet another screen shot of someone’s Clickbank earnings showing that they are pulling in more every day than most people get in a month...

We may have tried a few of those programs whose  ‘secrets’ were stolen from the boss’ computer in an unguarded moment or developed by a hitherto unknown software house in India which, for some reason failed to recognise the potential...

How many of us have labored through too many of those four page, MULTI-COLOURED SALES PAGES with the annoying VIDEOS THAT START BUT WON'T STOP that go on for forty minutes never giving any indication of how much longer they will run.............................................

How often have we been seduced by the $4.97 headline price only to be immediately exposed to the $47 up sell which it would be foolish not to add and then the $97 up sell the value of which the wise would immediately appreciate...

Once we actually settle down to put into practice what we have learnt we find that the instructional video which took ten minutes explaining what Google is, actually skates over the identification of those crucial lines of HTML from the autoresponder which we need to introduce to the squeeze page and assumes we already know all about traffic generation.

If we persevere really hard we probably will eventually find someone who is willing and able to teach the things we actually need to understand in a way we can follow. 

We may put in the hours, find out about product selection, create our first web site, set up a decent squeeze page and adopt one or two of the numerous traffic generation methods BUT.........
Along the way, however hard we try, we will go wrong. We will misunderstand what someone is explaining to us, we will forget how to do something we did successfully only a couple of days ago and we will get confused between the numerous web-based facilities we will need to use. 

                 We may also, eventually untangle the arcane arts of domain selection, getting hosting, blogging, backlinking and ranking in Google.                                                                
We will find out that Facebook, You Tube and Twitter are not really just for fun; they’re serious tools in the internet marketer’s armory. Facebook has Fan Pages, Groups and Events while Twitter abounds with marketing messages to the point where they can almost overwhelm its ‘social’ aspects.

We may discover to our astonishment that we can’t manage without Buzz, Flickr, Digg and StumbleUpon and all this whilst wrestling with the infuriating unpredictabilities of our own computers and peripherals.

We will gradually become accustomed to a whole new language in which HTML. SEO, GIF, DNS, DSL and FTP make perfect sense and autoresponder, Applet, Cookie, Favicon, Ping, Java, Spider and Zip become comprehensible.....

It often feels like taking two steps backward for every one step forward but for all this we can sometimes enjoy these mysterious processes and those with the staying power will eventually find that crock of gold at the end of the rainbow....

They deserve to...It is said, with some justice, that those who give up never know how close they were to  



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